How to make the client happy while making life easier for millions of Poles? With us, it’s a pretty simple!

Nothing unites like a common… goal!
The aim of the campaign was to increase brand awareness, boost the number of app downloads for Booksy, and drive new bookings through the app.

Challenges we had to face:
Our task was to reach people from specific cities, particularly those with the highest number of service providers working with Booksy. It was also necessary to direct new potential customers to both the website and the mobile app.

What actions did we focus on?
We based the campaign primarily on video formats. These were aired not only on YouTube but also on various VOD platforms.
We divided our benefit communication into two groups: women and men, as each of these groups has different expectations. It was key for us to use performance channels and tools that allowed for demographic and geographic targeting with high precision.

Effectiveness is our specialty!
We managed to increase the number of conversions and key metrics in the cities where the campaign was conducted. These included a rise in app users, increased frequency of app usage, and user loyalty (more people making reservations exclusively through the app). Additionally, Kantar’s research confirmed a significant increase in brand awareness.
In this project, we applied: